Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music


In Trying Times

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God . . .  (Romans 8:28)

Behind a Frowning Providence


1.   In trying times my soul despairs,
         My understanding fails;
      And then my heart falls prey to sin,
         I doubt and gloom prevails.

2.   "Most Sovereign Lord," my lips proclaim,
         But then my heart betrays
      And wretches in anxiety,
         Is blind to Thy good ways.

3.   With such a Sovereign, Mighty God,
         How foolish to despair!
      When He is making all things good
         For those within His care.

4.   That I could see my Father's hand
         In every circumstance;
      Such hope I'd grasp with all my strength
         To see my faith advance.

5.   O God forgive my unbelief,
         Cause all my fears to cease.
      Teach me again Thy love and grace;
         Restore my joy and peace.

WORDS: Ken Puls, November 18, 1987
MUSIC: Hugh Wilson, c. 1800; harmonized by Robert A, Smith, 1825
THEME: Comfort in Trial

According to my journal, I began the week of November 16, 1987 in the Slough of Despond" and ended it locked in "Doubting Castle." This hymn is the fruit of my meditation, preaching the gospel to myself late into the night on November 18, 1987. The hymn turns from preaching to prayer, as I confess my sin of unbelief and reaffirm my hope and trust in God's good and sovereign purposes.

Words ©1992 Kenneth A Puls
Music: Public Domain

Song Sheet
Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
Photo: Behind a Frowning Providence
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