Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music

Now May the God of Peace

"Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely
and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Sea of Galilee


1.      Lord, I desire Your will
         My heart yearns to obey
      Though daily I am faced with sin
         Enticing me away

2.      So, help me rise each day
         Battle and war with sin
      I long to see You face to face
         And final vict'ry win

3.      Lord, You have so designed
         This fight with sin in me
      That as I struggle, watch and pray
         I learn humility

4.      So, help me to obey
         Holiness to pursue
      Deepen repentance when I fail
         Strengthen my faith in You

5.      I rest within the hope
         Your Spirit dwells in me
      Completing that which was begun
         So holy I may be

6.      Now may the God of Peace
         Sanctify me wholly
      And keep me blameless 'til the day
         Christ comes in victory


"Now May the God of Peace"
WORDS: Ken Puls, October 28, 1990, revised October 2015
MUSIC: Jonathan C. Woods, 1844
THEME: Sanctification and the Fight Against Sin

I originally wrote this hymn on Sunday, October 28, 1990. In the worship service at Heritage Baptist Church that morning Pastor Fred Malone, preached from 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and Philippians 2:12-16. His theme was sanctification and how to fight against remaining sin. The title of the hymn came from the verse in 1 Thessalonians and concludes the hymn as a benediction.

In the fall of 2015 Jared Longshore, our Associate Pastor at Grace Baptist Church preached a series through 1 Thessalonians, entitled "Kept Holy at the Coming of the King." I revised the hymn in October 2015 to share with the church at the conclusion of the series.

Words ©1992, 2015 Kenneth A Puls
Music: Public Domain




Song Sheet

Song Sheet
Higher Key: G

Song Sheet
Lower Key: Eb

Chord Chart
Guitar Key: C

Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment

Guitar Music
Instrumental Ensemble Accompaniment

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Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.


Photo above taken at the Sea of Galilee in Israel

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