Hymns from History | Ken Puls Music

Be Still and Know That Thou Art God

Still Waters

"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
(Psalm 46:10)

1.   Let me, Thou sovereign Lord of all,
      Low at Thy footstool humbly fall;
      And while I feel affliction's rod,
      Be still and know that Thou art God.

2.   Let me not murmur nor repine
      Under these trying strokes of Thine;
      But while I walk the mournful road
      Be still and know that Thou art God.

3.   When and wherever Thou shall smite,
      Teach me to own Thy sovereign right;
      And underneath the heaviest load,
      Be still and know that Thou are God.

4.   Still let this truth support my mind,
      Thou canst not err or be unkind;
      And thus approve Thy chastening rod,
      And know Thou art my Father, God!

5.   When this afflicted soul shall rise
      To ceaseless joys above the skies,
      I shall, as ransomed by Thy blood,
      Forever sing, "Thou art my God!"


"Be Still and Know That Thou Art God"
Words by Samuel Medley(1738–1799)
MUSIC: Tom Wells (2001)
Hymn Tune: TROUT (L.M.)
Words ©Public Domain
Music ©2001 Tom Wells

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Classical Guitar Accompaniment

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