Conquering Prince and Lord of Glory
""The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
(Psalm 110:1)
1. Conquering Prince and Lord of glory,
Majesty enthroned in light;
All the heavens are bowed before Thee,
Far beyond them spreads Thy might;
Shall not I fall at Thy feet,
And my heart with rapture beat,
Now Thy glory is displayed,
Thine ere yet the worlds were made?
2. As I watch Thee far ascending
To the right hand of the throne,
See the host before Thee bending,
Praising Thee in sweetest tone;
Shall not I too at Thy feet
Here the angels’ strain repeat,
And rejoice that heaven doth ring
With the triumph of my King?
3. Power and Spirit are o’erflowing,
On me also be they poured;
Every hindrance overthrowing,
Make Thy foes Thy footstool, Lord!
Yea, let earth’s remotest end
To Thy righteous scepter bend,
Make Thy way before Thee plain,
O’er all hearts and spirits reign.
4. Lo! Thy presence now is filling
All the church in every place;
Fill my heart too; make me willing
In this season of Thy grace;
Come Thou King of glory, come,
Deign to make my heart Thy home,
There abide and rule alone,
As upon Thy heavenly throne!
"Conquering Prince and Lord of Glory"
Words: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1735
Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858
MUSIC: Jakob Hintze (1622–1702))
Hymn Tune: SALZBURG (
Words and Music ©Public Domain
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Above image from Unsplash
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