Music for Classical Guitar| Ken Puls Music


Student Exercises, Scales, and Arpeggios

Ken Puls Music

Resources to help acclimate your hands to the guitar, learn the fretboard, and develop good technique

A Word About Practice

Click on Exercise or Scale and Arpeggio Name to Download PDF Sheet Music

Four-Finger Exercises

The Four-Finger Song

Four-Finger Doubles

Four-Finger Singles

Four-Finger Scramble

Four-Finger Slurs

Four-Finger Slides

Four-Finger Stretch

Four-Finger Double Stretch


Scales and Modes

Scales and Modes (in A) Overview

Major Scales and Arpeggios

C Major—Open Position (Easy)

C Major—Closed Position

G Major—Open Position (Easy)

G Major—Closed Position

Minor Scales and Arpeggios

A Minor—Open Position (Easy)

A Minor—Closed Position

D Minor—Open Position (Easy)

D Minor—Closed Position

Minor Scales include Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor



A Dorian and Phrygian

A Lydian and Mixolydian


Two-Part Exercises

Playing in Octaves, Sixths, and Thirds

Playing Bass with Melody (Part 1)

Playing Bass with Melody (Part 2)


Left Hand Exercises

G and C Stretch Exercises (C and G Major)

Anchored Scale Exercises (C and G Major)


Right Hand Exercises

Tremelo Exercises

Thumb Damping Exercise

Playing Subdivisions of the Beat

Two Part - Melody and Bass (Beginner)

Melody and Chords (Easier)

Melody and Chord Arpeggio (More Challenging)


Learning the Fretboard

Notes on the Fretboard

Notes on the Melody Strings in 1st Position (G Major)

Notes on the Bass Strings in 1st Position (e minor)

Notes on the Melody Strings in 2nd Position (A Major)

Notes on the Bass Strings in 2nd Position (f# minor)

Notes on the Melody Strings in 5th Position (C Major)

Notes on the Bass Strings in 5th Position (a minor)

Notes on the Melody Strings in 9th Position (E Major)

Notes on the Bass Strings in 9th Position (c# minor)


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