Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music


Go Forth, Ye Saints

He laid hold of the dragon . . . who is the Devil, and bound
him for a thousand years . . . (Revelation 20:2)


1.   Go forth, ye saints,
         And preach to all the nations,
      Exposing sin,
         That men may see their need,
      Revealing Christ,
         That they may find forgiveness,
      And His commandments
         Teach the saints to heed.

2.   Go forth in pow'r,
         Assured God's Word will triumph;
      For all whom God
         Has chosen will believe.
      For Christ has come,
         Laid hold and bound the strong man;
      Shown forth His light
         For sinners to receive.

3.   Upon the cross,
         Our Savior made atonement;
      The empty tomb,
         He triumphed o'er the grave.
      The serpent's head was bruised;
         He was defeated;
      The debt was paid
         For those Christ came to save.

4.   The dragon bound,
         The gospel shines in vict'ry;.
      The Sov'reign God,
         Restrains the world of sin.
      A thousand years,
         The church blooms forth in fullness
      'Til all the saints
         Are safely gathered in.

5.   So go in hope,
         Ye saints, and preach the gospel;.
      Though Satan rages,
         It is God who reigns.
      For there in none
         Now lost in sin and darkness
      The pow'r of God
        Can't loose from Satan's chains.

WORDS and MUSIC: Ken Puls, December 31, 1989
THEME: Evangelism and Missions

The idea for this hymn came from a discussion I had with Fred Malone on the way home from the 1989 Southern Baptist Founders Conference. My aim in writing the hymn was twofold: show the connection between the binding of the strong man in Matthew 12 and the binding of the devil in Revelation 20; and show the hope and power of the gospel, unleashed by the victory of Christ at the cross and empty tomb and on display in the spread of the gospel to the nations.

Words and Music ©1992 Kenneth A Puls
Conference Hymn for the Reformed Baptist Mission Service Convention
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, March 1992

Song Sheet
Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
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