We Have an All-Sufficient Word
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable… (2 Timothy 3:16).
1. We have an all-sufficient Word
To make the simple wise;
Upon the heart the Spirit writes
And souls from death arise.
2. With such a mighty, wielded Sword,
What more could saints require
To fight the darkness of their sin,
And warn men of hell fire?
3. We have a faithful, shining Light
To show us God's right Way
And bring correction and reproof,
When from this path we stray.
4. 'Tis God's commands that light our way;
Such comfort and delight
To guide us on our pilgrimage,
A Beacon shining bright!
5. Lord, help us preach and trust Your Word,
The hearts of men to turn;
A savor unto life or death,
It cannot void return.
6. Yes, help us preach Your Word alone,
For it alone is true;
We need not clowns or luring games
To draw men unto You!
7. We have an all-sufficient Word,
God-breathed in every part;
A piercing Power to penetrate
Depraved, cold human hearts.
"We Have an All-Sufficient Word"
WORDS: Ken Puls, July 30, 1994
MUSIC: William Croft, 1678-1727
THEME: The Sufficiency of Scripture
The key-note speaker for the 1994 Southern Baptist Founders Conference was Walt Chantry, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Pastor Chantry gave a series of three messages at the conference, teaching on the sufficiency of Scripture. The Bible is God-breathed and contains all that is necessary for salvation, for evangelism, and for the pursuit of holiness. God's Word alone is sufficient to equip each believer for "every good work."
I wrote the words to the hymn on Saturday morning, July 30, 1994, as I was traveling home from the conference with my father-in-law, Roy Hensley. We had been discussing the messages we had heard at the conference.
Words ©1998 Kenneth A Puls
Music: Public Domain
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.