Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music


Father, Lift Our Eyes in Prayer

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ . . .
to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge . . . (Ephesians 3:14-19)

Light on Ocean


1.   Father, lift our eyes in prayer;
         We Your glory would behold!
      We need light to see Your hand,
         As Your perfect plan unfolds.
      Clearly let us see You, Lord,
         When we face dismay or loss.
      In each trial let us see
         Not our crisis, but Your cross.

2.   Lord, forgive our selfish prayers;
         We forget to Whom we pray,
      And in folly bring advice,
         Thinking we know best the way.
      Show us Lord Your perfect will,
         Help us walk contentedly.
      You, O Lord, know best the way;
         None, Lord, can Your couns'lor be.

3.   Teach us, Lord, to know You well
         That we might have well to say.
      Lift our thoughts to meditate
         On Your glory as we pray.
      Do not let our prayers arise
         With eyes fixed on want and need;
      Look beyond, above, and to
         Him to Whom we come and plead.

4.   Lord, remove our thoughts from self;
         Warm our words with words Your own.
      On the Scriptures, set our minds,
         When in prayer we seek Your throne.
      That we all may comprehend
         Width and length and depth and height!
      Fully know the love of Christ!
         On our prayers, Lord, shine Your light.

WORDS: Ken Puls, August 17, 1997, 2014
MUSIC: Simon B. Marsh, 1834; harmonized by Rhys Thomas, 1916
THEME: Focusing on God in Prayer

The idea for this hymn came during the 1997 Southern Baptist Founders Conference. At that conference Iain Murray preached a series of messages on revival. On Friday evening, July 25, 1997, he concluded his message by speaking of our need for prayer. He admonished us in our prayers not to begin by looking at the world or or to our many needs. We must start by seeing God, knowing Who He is, what He has done, and what He promises to do. Unless we know God, we will not know how to pray.

Words ©1998, 2014 Kenneth A Puls
See original lyrics from 1997
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In Lower Key: D
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In Higher Key: F
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of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
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