Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music

Abiding Faith

And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." (Acts 17:5 NKJV).

Light shining through Trees on a Road



1.   A true and an abiding faith,
         Create within our hearts,
      A faith that carries us to Christ
         And ne'er from Him departs.


      Fashion us that we may be
         Vessels ready to receive
      Your Word, O Lord, help us to know
         And ev'ry word believe.


2.   Lord, give us an obedient faith
         That comes with no demands,
      But bows submissive to Your Word,
         Delights in Your commands.


      We want not faith that boasts itself
         In pious words and deeds,
      Nor faith that seeks the praise of men
         Yet God's Word will not heed.


3.   Lord, give to us a humble faith
         That boasts in Christ alone.
      A faith that boldly speaks His name
         And bows beneath His throne.


4.   Create in us a saving faith,
         A faith that will remain.
      We need a faith not of ourselves,
         Lest we believe in vain.


      Search us now, our hearts expose;
         Ev'ry spurious hope make known,
      That we may flee from empty faith
         And look to Christ alone.


5.   Each day increase our faith, O Lord,
         More firmly placed in You.
      In mercy lift us when we fail
         That we may walk anew.


      We want not faith that rests content
         In blessings of this life,
      Nor faith that fails to persevere
         Through trials, pain, and strife.


6.   A true and an abiding faith,
         Lord, grant to us, we pray;
      A faith that will not fail or fade,
         Create in us today!

"Abiding Faith"
WORDS: Ken Puls, January 23, 2002
MUSIC: Ken Puls, January 23, 2002
THEME: Saving Faith

The idea for this song came from a sermon entitled "Spurious Faith" from John 12:42-43 preached by Larry Vincent at Heritage Baptist Church, Mansfield, Texas on January 20, 2002.

Words and Music ©2002 Kenneth A Puls



Lead Sheet

Chord Chart
Higher Key: D

Chord Chart
Lower Key: C

Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment

Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.

Above image from Unsplash


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