Unchanging Righteousness
In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name
by which he will be called: "The LORD is our righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6 ESV).
1. There sits My Righteousness,
Enthroned at God's right hand:
The perfect, spotless Lamb of God,
In Him alone I stand.
No better is my stand
On days when all feels right,
No worse when days are dark and gray,
For nothing dims His light.
Unchanging Righteousness,
My only hope and plea,
That Jesus came and lived and bled
And died and rose for me.
2. The Law cannot condemn,
Since I in Christ abide.
It sees His perfect work and is
Completely satisfied.
When God looks down on me,
He sees no lack or need,
For there in heaven, My Righteousness
Does always intercede.
Unchanging Righteousness,
My only hope and plea,
That Jesus came and lived and bled
And died and rose for me.
3. By imputation mine,
Through faith in Christ alone,
Enfolded in His righteousness
That God has made my own.
A never ending store,
A bountiful supply!
Each day the same, My Righteousness
Exalted reigns on high.
Unchanging Righteousness,
My only hope and plea,
That Jesus came and lived and bled
And died and rose for me.
That Jesus came and lived and bled
And died and rose for me.
"Unchanging Righteousness"
WORDS: Ken Puls, June 8, 2005
MUSIC: Ken Puls, June 8, 2005
THEME: Imputation of Christ's Righteousness
The idea for this song came from two sources. The first was a Bible study during Prayer Meeting on Wednesday eveing, June 8, 2005 at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral. Tom Ascol taught on "What is Christianity?" In his lesson he emphasized a truth that should be obvious. As Christians, our identity and all our hope is bound up in Christ. He alone is Savior and Lord. The second source was a new book I was reading by Iain Murray, The Old Evangelicalism, released in 2005. Following Prayer Meeting I finished reading chapter 3: "Christ Our Righteousness: God's Way of Salvation." The truth that Iain Murray was highlighting resonated in my heart and echoed what I had heard in Prayer Meeting: Christ and Christ alone is our perfect, Unchanging Righteousness. Read more about this song on the Blog.
Words and Music ©2005 Kenneth A Puls
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
Above image from Unsplash