Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music


The Kingdom Has Come

"The Kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or
'See there!' For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21).



      The Kingdom has come.
         The King is on His throne.
      In all the world He makes
         His sovereign mercy known.
      Established in the hearts
         Of all He's made anew:
         The Kingdom of God is now in you!


1.  Unseen the Conqueror comes
     Removing hearts of stone
         Opening eyes
         Bending knees
     Establishing His throne
     Making His glorious kingdom known.

2.  A better covenant,
     A better offering
         For Christ has come
         The Lamb of God
     Our Prophet, Priest and King
    To Him the sacrifice of praise we bring.


      The Kingdom has come.
         The King is on His throne.
      In all the world He makes
         His sovereign mercy known.
      Established in the hearts
         Of all He's made anew:
         The Kingdom of God is now in you!


3.  Not born of flesh and blood
     Nor by the will of man
         To hear His call
         And heed His voice
     You must be born again
     To see His Kingdom and to enter in.

4.  For all those who dwell in
     The Kingdom of Heaven
         From least to great
         They know the Lord
     Their sins have been forgiven
     All in whom the Spirit dwells within.


      The Kingdom has come.
         The King is on His throne.
      In all the world He makes
         His sovereign mercy known.
      Established in the hearts
         Of all He's made anew:
         The Kingdom of God is now in you!


5.  All those who believe
     And of their sins repent
         Do now enjoy
         The blessings of
     His gracious covenant
    In His blood, a way more excellent.

6.  In every land and tongue
     The sovereign Savior sows
         His Kingdom come
         His will be done
     The good seed sprouts and grows
     Widely as His sovereign mercy flows.


      The King reigns in power
         And one day He'll return
     To gather all His wheat
         The tares removed and burned
     The harvest safely in
         God's work on earth is done
         Completing every good work He's begun.
         The righteous will shine forth like the sun!

WORDS: Ken Puls, September 25, 2005
MUSIC: Ken Puls, October 2005
THEME: The Spiritual Nature of Christ's Kingdom
Words and Music ©2006 Kenneth A Puls

Lead Sheet
In Vocal Key: Bb
Lead Sheet
In Guitar Key: G
Chord Chart
In Guitar Key: G
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this song for use in worship.
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