Come Seek the Lord
"Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat!" (Isaiah 55:1a).
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).
1. Come to Me, you weary;
Come to Me and find rest.
Take My Yoke upon you;
Come and know peace and gentleness.
1. For why do you still labor,
Weighed down with pain and guilt and care,
Oppressed and crushed down under
A load you cannot bear?
1. Come seek the Lord, you afflicted;
Seek Him while He may be found.
Today is the day of salvation,
When grace and mercy have come down.
2. Come to Me, you thirsty;
Come to Me and drink.
Though you have no money;
Come and buy and eat.
2. For why do you spend money
For that which is not bread
And squander all your wages
On empty things instead?
2. Come seek the Lord, you hungry;
In Him is fullness of delight;
Abundance overflowing
To immeasurable depth and height.
3. Come to Me, you wayward;
Lost in the darkness and the strife.
My Word will guide your footsteps,
For I am the way, the truth, the life.
3. For why do you still wander
Down pathways that lead to sin and death,
Forsaking the One who made you,
Who gives you each day your life and breath?
3. Come seek the Lord, you wanderer,
Seeking to satisfy your soul.
In Him is joy beyond all measure,
For He alone can make you whole.
2. And come seek the Lord, you hungry;
In Him is fullness of delight;
Abundance overflowing
To immeasurable depth and height.
1. Yes, come seek the Lord, you afflicted;
Seek Him while He may be found.
Today is the day of salvation,
When grace and mercy have come down.
Come to Me, you weary;
Come to Me and find rest.
"Come Seek the Lord"
WORDS: Ken Puls, May 11-19, 2008
MUSIC: Ken Puls, May 11-19, 2008
THEME: Rest and joy in Christ
The idea for this song came from a message on Isaiah 55 preached by Larry Vincent at Heritage Baptist Church, Mansfield, Texas on May 11, 2008. My family and I were enjoying a vacation visiting family and friends in Texas. We planned our trip so we could be at Heritage on Sunday, May 11th. I wrote the first draft of the words and the tune on the same day I heard the message. I finished the song on May 19th. It is a call to the lost and broken to come to Christ, based on the opening words of Isaiah 55 and Jesus' words in Matthew 11:28. Only in Christ can we find true delight and rest for our soul.
Words and Music ©2008 Kenneth A Puls
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
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