Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music

Made for Glory

“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

(Revelation 21:4)

Mountain Mist


1.   We journey through this life
         As pilgrims here on earth;
      Some live for years, some weeks or days,
         Some never see their birth.
      But when our journey ends,
         Our moments, days, or years
      Will all seem like a vapor when
         God wipes away our tears.

2.   How short the time we have,
         How briefly we exist.
      Compared to all eternity
         This life’s a fleeting mist.
      For glory we were made
         An everlasting soul,
      Not just the time this life affords
         With bodies that grow old.

3.   Why is our time so short
         And stained with sin and strife?
      How could a loving God allow
         Such suff’ring in this life?
      In kindness God keeps short
         Our sorrows in this place,
      Yet through our pain and suffering
         We come to know His grace.

4.   As time moves quickly on,
         We must not waste a day
      But bring our broken, sinful lives
         To Christ without delay.
      In Him each day find rest,
         Refreshment for the soul.
      For through His suff’ring we are healed,
         Forgiven, and made whole.

5.   Though heartaches overwhelm
         And fill our souls with grief,
      Remember we are sojourners,
         Our journey will be brief.
      In glory one day soon
         We will look back and say:
      Our faithful God has brought us home,
         Our tears He’s wiped away.

   Yes, one day we will be
         In glory and can say:
      Our faithful God, He’s brought us home,
         Our tears He’s wiped away.

"Made for Glory"
WORDS: Ken Puls, July 17, 2022
MUSIC: George William Martin, 1862
THEME: The Brevity of Life and the Glories of Heaven

This world is not all there is. This life is fleeting. We were made for much more. We were made for glory.

Words ©2022 Kenneth A Puls
Music: Public Domain



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Classical Guitar Accompaniment

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of the lyrics and sheet music for this song for use in worship.

Above image from Unsplash


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