Hymns of the Faith | Ken Puls Music


O Our Redeemer God

by Abram Poindexter (1809–1872)
(#880 in the Baptist Psalmody, 1850)

Abram Poindexter


Return for thy servant's sake. Isai. 63:17.

1.   O our Redeemer, God,
         On Thee Thy people wait;
      We faint beneath Thy chastening rod,
         Thy house is desolate.

2.   Yet are we not Thine own,
         Though now in deep distress?
      Then be to us Thy mercy shown,
         Thy mourning people bless.

3.   Spirit of God, return,
         Thy cheering light impart;
      O may Thy love within us burn,
         And warm each languid heart.

4.   O'er all assembled here
         Assert Thy gracious power;
      And to our friends and kindred dear
         Be this salvation's hour.

5.   O Lord, our God, descend!
         Our fainting hearts revive:
      On Thee alone our hopes depend,
         For Thou canst make us live.

"O Our Redeemer God"
Words by Abram Poindexter(1809–1872)
Music by Tom Wells, 2015
Words ©Public Domain
Music ©2015 Tom Wells

This gem from early Southern Baptist hymnody was written by Abram Poindexter and included in the first hymnal recommended for use in all Southern Baptist churches, The Baptist Psalmody (1850). Beginning in 1848 Poindexter served as the corresponding secretary of the Southern Baptist Publication Society and assisted Basil Manly and Basil Manly, Jr. in publishing The Baptist Psalmody.

The hymn is an impassioned prayer for the church to pray in time of distress and need. It acknowledges God as the only One who can give light and life. It calls upon Him to show mercy to His people and grant salvation to those who are lost by His gracious power.

Read more about The Baptist Psalmody and Abram Poindexter on the Founders Blog

Song Sheet
Chord Chart
Chord Chart for Acoustic Guitar in Higher Key
Chord Chart
Chord Chart for Acoustic Guitar in Lower Key
Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
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of the sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
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