Wondrous King, All-Glorious
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!
(Psalm 150:6)
1. Wondrous King, all glorious,
Sovereign Lord victorious,
O, receive our praise with favor!
From thee welled God's kindness
Though we in our blindness
Strayed from Thee, our blessed Savior.
Strengthen Thou,
Help us now;
Let our tongues be singing,
Thee our praises bringing.
2. Heavens, spread the story
Of our Maker's glory,
All the pomp of earth obscuring.
Sun, thy rays be sending,
Thy bright beams expending,
Light to all the earth assuring.
Moon and star,
Praise afar
Him who glorious made you;
The vast heavens aid you.
3. O my soul, rejoicing,
Sing, thy praises voicing,
Sing, with hymns of faith adore Him!
All who here have being,
Shout, your voices freeing,
Bow down in the dust before Him.
He is God
Praise alone the Savior,
Here and there forever.
4. Hallelujahs render
To the Lord most tender,
Ye who know and love the Savior.
Hallelujahs sing ye,
Ye redeemed, O, bring ye
Hearts that yield Him glad behavior.
Blest are ye
Sinless there forever,
Ye shall laud Him ever.
"Wondrous King All-Glorious"
Words and Music by Joachim Neander, 1680
Word translated by William J. Schaefer, 1938
Words and Music ©Public Domain
Chord Chart for Hymn in G Major
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Instrumental Ensemble Accompaniment
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