Hymns from History | Ken Puls Music

O Lord, I Would Delight in Thee

Lake and Waterfall

"Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart."
(Psalm 37:4)

1.   O Lord, I would delight in Thee,
         And on Thy care depend;
      To Thee in ev’ry trouble flee,
         My best, my only Friend.

2.   When all created streams are dried,
         Thy fulness is the same;
      May I with this be satisfied,
         And glory in Thy Name.

3.   Why should the soul a drop bemoan,
         Who has a fountain near—
      A fountain which will ever run
         With waters sweet and clear?

4.   No good in creatures can be found,
         But may be found in Thee;
      I must have all things and abound,
         While God is God to me.

5.   O that I had a stronger faith,
         To look within the veil;
      To credit what my Savior saith,
         Whose words can never fail.

6.   He that has made my heav’n secure
         Will here all good provide;
      While Christ is rich, I can’t be poor;
         What can I want beside?

7.   O Lord, I cast my care on Thee;
         I triumph and adore;
      Henceforth my great concern shall be
         To love and praise Thee more.

"O Lord, I Would Delight in Thee"
Words by John Ryland, (1753–1825)
Music by John Herbert (1852–1927)
Hymn Tune: LAFAYETTE (C.M.)
Words and Music ©Public Domain

Song Sheet

Chord Chart
Chord Chart in Eb

Chord Chart
Chord Chart in D

Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment


Above image from Unsplash

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