Looking Always Unto Jesus
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…" (Hebrews 12:2).
1. Let us run with perseverance,
Pressing forward by God's grace,
Looking always unto Jesus,
'Til we see Him face to face.
In the day when we are tempted
And enticed to leave the way,
Let us keep our eyes on Jesus
And in Him we shall not stray.
2. In the day of joy and gladness,
Let us come and bring our praise,
For when we look unto Jesus,
We have cause to thank always.
In the day of grief and sorrow,
Let us run and be assured,
To the ones who look to Jesus,
God makes all things work for good.
3. In the day when we grow weary,
Let us rise and strive and fight.
We must keep our eyes on Jesus,
Lest we sleep while it is light.
Let us not become discouraged
When the way grows steep and long,
But affix our eyes on Jesus;
He can change our sighs to song.
4. Many saints have gone before us;
They bear witness, God is true.
As they ran and looked to Jesus,
He brought each one safely through.
Press on Christian, run with patience,
Whether you find ease or strife;
Never take your eyes off Jesus,
Only He has Words of Life.
"Looking Always Unto Jesus"
WORDS: Ken Puls, July 29, 1995
MUSIC: Attributed to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
THEME: Perseverance and the Centrality of Christ
The idea for this hymn came from a sermon preached on the first evening of the Founders Conference, July 25, 1995. Dr. Fred Malone preached a message from Hebrews 12:1-2 on "Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus."
The hymn also has several allusions to John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan's allegory describes the journey of Christian as he flees from the City of Destruction and follows the Way to the Celestial City. When we are enticed to leave the Way, we must remember and look to our Savior to keep us from wandering off the path. When we face climbing Hill Difficulty, we must not be discouraged, but press on to the top. While it is light, we must be careful to stay alert and not sleep, lest night overtake us. In every circumstance, pleasant or difficult, if we are to persevere, it is essential that we continually look to Christ, always remembering and meditating on what He has accomplished on our behalf. Spurgeon explains:
"…it is not your hold of Christ that saves you—it is Christ; it is not your joy in Christ that saves you—it is Christ; it is not even faith in Christ, though that be the instrument—it is Christ's blood and merits; therefore, look not so much to your hand with which you are grasping Christ, as to Christ; look not to your hope, but to Jesus, the source of your hope; look not to your faith, but to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith" (from Morning and Evening).
Words ©1998 Kenneth A Puls
Music: Public Domain
Instrumental Ensemble Accompaniment
Classical Guitar Accompaniment
Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.
Above image made with Unsplash