Hymns and Songs | Ken Puls Music

Come Walk in the Light of the Lord

"O house of Jacob, come and let us walk In the light of the Lord" (Isaiah 2:5).

Light on Pathway through Trees


1.   How can we know what’s just and right?
         The world is dark and blind.
      And where is hope for those condemned?
         Forgiveness who can find?
      When sinned against and faced with wrongs,
         The world decries its loss;
      But God says look beyond our grief
         To hope found at the cross

         How astounding!
         How astonishing
      Are the ways of our God!
         Look to His Word,
         Find rest in His love,
      Come walk in the light of the Lord!

2.   We seek for justice, yet we know,
         The world can’t satisfy.
      Its methods to atone for sin
         Fall short or go awry.
      The righteousness we long to see,
         The world cannot provide.
      The only place where sins are cleansed:
         The cross where Jesus died.

         How astounding!
         How astonishing
      Are the ways of our God!
         Look to His Word,
         Find rest in His love,
      Come walk in the light of the Lord!

3.   The full forgiveness of God’s love,
         The world can’t comprehend.
      For it seeks justice in its own
         Perpetual revenge.
      But in the Gospel of God’s grace
         Is love the world can’t give.
      Because we are forgiv’n in Christ,
         We also can forgive.

         How astounding!
         How astonishing
      Are the ways of our God!
         Look to His Word,
         Find rest in His love,
      Come walk in the light of the Lord!

4.   So come and see the love of God
         Unto the world revealed.
      Come kneel before the cross for there
         Our deepest pains are healed.
      Believe the promise in His Word,
         The world our God so loved.
      He will forgive, raise up, and call
         A sinner His beloved.

         How astounding!
         How astonishing
      Are the ways of our God!
         Look to His Word,
         Find rest in His love,
      Come walk in the light of the Lord!

"Come Walk in the Light of the Lord"
WORDS: Ken Puls, November 1, 2019
MUSIC: Ken Puls, November 1, 2019
TUNE: CAPE CORAL (C.M.D. with Refrain)
THEME: The Hope and Power of the Gospel

God is righteous and just. He cannot overlook our sin. His Law demands that He punish our sin. Yet God is merciful and abundant in lovingkindness. He looks upon us with compassion. He has made a way to rescue us from sin. How can He do both? He has accomplished both by sending His Son. In Christ we see His perfect righteousness as well as His abundant lovingkindness. At the cross He united justice and mercy. In Christ there is hope! In Him there is righteousness that we could never attain on our own. In Him we find true peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. We must go to the cross if we are to be made whole. 

Words and Music ©2019 Kenneth A Puls



Song Sheet

Chord Chart
Higher Key: Eb

Chord Chart
Guitar Key: D

Guitar Music
Classical Guitar Accompaniment

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Permission is granted to churches to make additional copies
of the lyrics and sheet music for this hymn for use in worship.

Above image from Unsplash


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