Theology and Music| Ken Puls Music

A Theological Outline
For Indexing Music for Worship

Old Books on Shelf

Compiled by Ken Puls

A Resource for Pastors, Musicians and
others who select music for worship

Full Outline


I.  PROLEGOMENA: The Revelation of God

A. Natural Revelation: Creation

1. Begins with God

2. Testifies of God

3. Glorifies God

4. Leaves man inexcusable

5. Insufficient for salvation

6. World created by God ex nihilio

7. World spoken into existence and sustained by God's Word

8. Man breathed into a living being by God

B. Special Revelation: Scriptures

1. Inspiration

2. Authority / Final Rule

3. Infallibility

4. Inerrancy

5. Sufficiency

6. Perspicuity / Clarity

7. Completeness

8. Unity (One Divine Author)

9. Necessity

10. Efficacy (does not return void)

12. Profitability (teaching, correction, reproof, instruction)

13. Need for Regeneration and Illumination in order to understand

14. Need to translate the Scriptures into every language

II.  THEOLOGY: The Doctrine of God

A. Uniqueness (He is the only true God: No other like Him)

B. Knowability

C. Presence (in His creation)

1. Immanence

2. Transcendence

D. Incomprehensibility

E. Unity (One God)

F. Trinity (In Three Persons)

G. Sovereignty

H. Decrees

1. Spheres of God's Decrees

a. Creation (to create man and all things)

b. Permission (to allow the Fall)

c. Predestination

1) Election (to save a people for Himself)

2) Reprobation (to pass by others)

d. Foreknowledge (to set His love upon His people)

e. Redemption (to send the Son to save His people)

f. Providence (to order and care for all things to the good of His people)

2. Nature of God's Decrees

a. Made before the Foundation of the World

b. Unchanging

c. God's use of means to accomplish His purposes

I. Will

1. Decretive (related to God's sovereign decrees, hidden, secret)

a. Directive (control over all that is good)

b. Permissive (control over all that is evil)

2. Preceptive (related to God's revealed precepts, declared in His Word)

a. Determination (revealed purposes) What God requires / forbids

b. Disposition (revealed pleasure) What God delights in / hates

J. Attributes

1. Incommunicable

a. Solitariness (God exists and acts alone)

b. Self-Sufficiency (God is complete, without lack or need)

c. Freedom (Can do all His holy will)

d. Immutability (God can not change)

e. Infinity (God is not limited in any way)

f. Impassibility (God is unable to suffer)

g. Perfection

h. Eternity

i. Immensity

j. Omnipotence

k. Omniscience

l. Omnipresence

m. All-wise

2. Communicable

a. Spirituality

1) Invisible

2) Incorporeal

b. Immortality

c. Holiness

d. Goodness

e. Faithfulness

f. Fatherhood

g. Love

h. Truth

i. Wisdom

j. Mercy

k. Grace

l. Righteousness

m. Justice

n. Long-suffering

o. Slow to anger

p. Hatred

q. Wrath

K. Law

1. Good and Holy

2. Reveals God's nature

3. The Ten Commandments

a. You shall have no other gods before Me

b. You shall not make any carved images

c. You shall not take the Lord's name in vain

d. Remember the Sabbath Day

e. Honor your Father and Mother

f. You shall not kill

g. You shall not commit adultery

h. You shall not steal

i. You shall not bear false witness

j. You shall not covet

4. The Great Commandments

a. You shall love the Lord with all heart, soul, mind, and strength

b. You shall love your neighbor as your self.

L. Names of God

1. Jehovah / Yahweh

2. Creator

3. Father


5. I AM

6. Hope of Israel

7. Ancient of Days

8. El Shaddai / God Almighty

9. El Elyon / God Most High

10. El Roi / God who sees

11. El Olam / Eternal God

12. Jehovah Jireh / The LORD who provides

13. Jehovah Rophe / The LORD who heals

14. Jehovah Nissi / The LORD my banner

15. Jehovah M'Kaddesh / The LORD who sanctifies

16. Jehovah Shalom / The LORD is peace

17. Jehovah Tsidkenu / The LORD is righteousness

18. Jehovah Rohi / The LORD my Shepherd

19. Jehovah Shammah / The LORD is there

20. Jehovah Sabaoth / Lord of Hosts

III.  ANGELOLOGY: The Doctrine of Angels

A. Holy angels

1. Their worship of God

a. At Creation

b. Ceaseless

c. Around the Throne of God

2. Assistance to the saints

3. Serve as God's Messengers

a. At the Birth of Christ

b. At the Second Coming

B. Fallen angels

1. Led by Satan

2. Their war against the saints

3. Their final defeat and judgment

IV.  ANTHROPOLOGY: The Doctrine of Man

A. Original state at creation

1. Upright

2. Mutable

3. In God's Image

4. Will free to choose good or evil

5. In Communion with God

6. Created profitable (fit to serve God in the garden)

7. Lived unashamed before God

B. Fallen state

1. Under the curse of the law

2. Total depravity (Whole being affected by sin)

3. Unable to understand spiritual things

4. Will in bondage to sin

5. Alienated from God

6. Has become unprofitable (not fit to serve God)

7. Does not seek God

C. Redeemed state

1. Freed from sin's power and curse

2. Forgiven but not yet perfect

3. Given spiritual understanding

4. Will freed to choose good

5. Communion with God restored

6. Made profitable (for service in the Kingdom of God)

7. Desires to seek after God

D. Glorified state

1. Freed from sin's presence

2. Made perfect

3. Image of Christ complete

4. Will freed to only choose good

5. Face to face communion with God

6. Made fit (for service in heaven)

7. Eternally pursuing intimacy with God

V.  HAMARTIOLOGY: The Doctrine of Sin

A. Definition of sin

1. That which corrupts and deceives the heart of man

2. Lawlessness and rebellion against God

3. All that falls short of God's glory and perfection

B. Effects of sin

1. On Creation

2. On Man

C. Extent of sin

D. Original Sin

E. Wages of sin

F. Heinousness of sin

G. Forgiveness of sin in Christ

H. Christian's struggle with remaining sin

VI.  CHRISTOLOGY: The Person and Work of Christ

A. Eternality of Christ's Sonship

B. Coming Promised in the Old Testament

C. Deity (Fully God)

D. Humanity (Fully Man)

E. Sympathy (with man's condition and limitations)

F. Impeccability

G. Exclusiveness

H. Offices

1. Prophet

2. Priest

3. King

I. Lordship

J. Mediator

K. Incarnation

1. Advent

2. Birth

3. Epiphany

L. Life and Ministry

1. Lived in perfect obedience

2. Temptation

3. Baptism

4. Calling of His Disciples

5. Teaching Ministry

6. Healing and Miracles

7. Transfiguration

M. Passion

1. Triumphal Entry

2. Weeps over Jerusalem

3. Cleanses the Temple

4. Trials and Humiliation

5. Death / Crucifixion / Suffering

N. Resurrection

O. Ascension

P. Second Coming

Q: Names

1. Jesus

2. Master

3. Son of Man

4. Son of God

5. Only begotten of the Father

6. Good Shepherd

7. Rock (Refuge)

8. Light

9. Lamb of God

10. Lion of Judah

11. Savior

12. Redeemer

13. Messiah

14. Word

15. Life

16. Way

17. Man of Sorrows

18. Servant

19. Immanuel

20. Prince of Peace

21. Wonderful

22. Counselor

23. Alpha and Omega

24. King of Kings

25. Lord of Lords

VII.  PNEUMATOLOGY: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

A. Old Testament Ministry

B. Coming Promised by the Father and the Son

C. Sent from Christ

D. Coming at Pentecost

E. Restrains the world of sin

F. Convicts of Sin

G. Draws to Christ

H. Quickens hearts in regeneration

I. Illumines Scripture

J. Indwells the hearts of believers

1. Baptism of the Spirit

2. Filling of the Spirit

3. Sealing of the Spirit

K. Indwells and unifies the Body of Christ

L. Comforter

M. Fruits of the Spirit

1. Love

2. Joy

3. Peace

4. Longsuffering

5. Kindness

6. Goodness

7. Faithfulness

8. Gentleness

9. Self-control

N. Gifts of the Spirit

1. Given to individual members of the Body of Christ

2. Distributed as God wills, according to the grace given us

3. A diversity of gifts and ministries, but one God who works all in all

4. Given for the profit and benefit of the church

VIII.  SOTERIOLOGY: The Doctrine of Salvation

A. Divine Grace

1. Common grace

2. Special grace

B. Divine Covenants

1. Covenant of Works

a. Established with Adam

b. Broken by Adam

c. Brought death to all men in Adam

2. Covenant of Grace

a. Promised to Adam

b. Progressively Revealed throughout Scripture

c. Fulfilled in Jesus Christ

C. Good Works

1. Defined by God's Law

2. Unable to save

3. Necessary Evidence of faith

4. Accepted by God in Christ

D. Salvation

1. All of Grace

2. Purposed before the Foundation of the World (see God's Decrees)

3. Involves the work of the Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit

4. Accomplished

a. Redemption

1) Christ purchased a people for Himself

2) The cost was His own precious blood

b. Atonement

1) Of infinite worth

2) Through Christ's shed blood

3) Made salvation certain, not just possible

4) For God's people

c. Imputation

1) Our sins to Christ

2) Christ's righteousness to us

d. Reconciliation

5. Applied

a. Effectual calling

b. Regeneration

1) Repentance given by God as a gift

2) Faith given by God as a gift

c. Conversion

1) Man turns from sin (exercises repentance)

2) Man turns to Jesus Christ (exercises faith)

d. Justification

1) A Judicial act of God

2) Based only on the merits of Christ

e. Adoption

f. Sanctification

1) All who are justified are sanctified

2) We must pursue holiness

3) A continuous process not completed in this life.

4) Conforms us to Christ's image

5) Grow in Grace

6) Deepen in Repentance

g. Perseverance

1) We must persevere in holiness and obedience

2) Only God's power can preserve us

h. Glorification

1) All who are justified are glorified

2) The completeness and perfection of our salvation

6. Benefits

a. Union with Christ

b. Peace with God

c. Forgiveness of Sin

d. Eternal Life

E. Assurance

F. Hope (in Future Grace)

1. Looking for the Promised Rewards

2. Trusting that God will accomplish all He has promised

G. False Profession and Apostasy

IX.  PRAXIS: Christian Living

A. Personal Relationship with God

1. Self Examination

2. Submission to God

3. Waiting upon God

4. Chastisement from God

5. Pilgrimage

6. Daily Devotion

a. Morning

b. Throughout the Day

c. Evening

d. Night

B. Personhood

1. Being a Godly Man

2. Being a Godly Woman

C. Character (See also the Fruits of the Spirit)

1. Self-Denial (Self Indulgence)

2. Humility (Pride)

3. Trust / Belief (Doubt / Unbelief)

4. Confidence and Rest in God (Anxiety / Worry / Distress)

5. Patience (Impatience)

6. Sincerity (Hypocrisy)

7. Desire to Please God (Man-Pleaser)

8. Content (Greed / Lust / Covetousness)

9. Prudent / Wise (Simple / Foolish)

D. The Christian and Suffering

1. Persecution

2. Sickness

3. Trials and Difficulties

E. The Christian and Spiritual Warfare

1. Put on the Armor of God

2. We fight against the spiritual hosts of wickedness, not against people

3. We stand only in the power of God's might

4. The battle is continuous and fierce in this life

5. The victory has already been won

6. God is sovereign over the battle and His enemies

F. The Christian and Liberty

G. The Christian and Stewardship

1. Tithing

2. Benevolence

3. Ownership (All we have belongs to God)

H. The Christian and Time

1. The Brevity of Life

2. The Seasons of Life

a. Birth

b. Childhood

c. Youth

d. Adulthood

e. Old Age

3. The Seasons of the Year

a. Spring

b. Summer

c. Winter

d. Fall (Harvest)

I. The Christian and the Family

1. Marriage

2. Fatherhood

3. Motherhood

4. Raising Children

5. Praying for Children

6. Family Worship

J. The Christian and His Vocation

1. Vocation a Calling from God

2. Do your work as unto the Lord

K. The Christian and the Nation

1. Responsibility as a Citizen

2. Prayer for the Nation

X.  MISSIOLOGY: The Doctrine of Evangelism

A. Necessity of Missions

B. Command to Missions

C. Message of Missions

1. LAW

a. Unable to save

b. Exposes sin

c. A tutor to Christ

d. Fulfilled in Jesus Christ

e. Its relation to the Gospel


a. Does not abolish the Law

b. Only hope for sinners

c. Freely Offered to sinners

d. Centers on the work of Christ

D. Methods of Missions (Patterned by God Himself in His Word)

E. Results of Missions

1. A Savor of Life

2. A Savor of Death

XI.  APOLOGETICS: The Defense of the Faith

A. Defense of the Faith

1. Against the Philosophies of the World

2. Against the Errors and Heresies of Religion

B. A Christian Worldview

1. Making sense of the world around us through the lens of Scripture

2. Teaching about the world around us through the lens of Scripture

XII.  ECCLESIOLOGY: The Doctrine of the Church

A. Description

1. Dwelling place of God

2. The temple of which Christ is the Chief Cornerstone

3. The bride of Christ

4. The body of which Christ is Head

5. Consists of all true believers

6. Unity in Christ

7. Subject to mixture and error while on earth

8. Given gifts by Christ

a. Apostles, Prophets, and Evangelists

b. Pastors / Teachers / Elders

9. Edification and Equipping of the saints

10. The Priesthood of All Believers

11. The Kingdom of God

12. The Need for Revival

B. Ordinances

1. Lord's Supper

2. Baptism

C. History

1. The First Century Church

2. The Early Church

3. The Middle Ages

4. The Reformation

5. Modern Times

D. Government

1. Responsibilities of the Church officers

a. Pastors / Elders

d. Deacons

2. Responsibilities of the Church members (congregation)

a. Mutual Comfort and Encouragement

b. Fellowship

c. Faithful Attendance / Support

d. Tithing

e. Prayer for one another

f. Seek purity and peace

E. Discipline

1. Formative (helping us fight sin and pursue holiness)

2. Corrective (helping us repent of sin and pursue holiness)

XIII.  ESCHATOLOGY: The Doctrine of Last Things

A. Death (The frailty of man)

B. Immortality of the Soul

C. Final Judgment

D. Heaven

E. Hell

XIV.  DOXOLOGY: The Worship of God

A. Assembly: Gathering for Worship

B. Call

C. Invocation

D. Praise

E. Adoration

F. Thanksgiving

G. Glory

H. Honor

I. Communion with Christ

J. Petition

K. Intercession

L. Offering / Giving

M. Music / Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs

N. Revelation / Scripture Reading

O. Creed / Confession of Faith

P. Confession of sin

Q. Expiation

R. Proclamation / Preaching

S. Dedication

T. Commission

U. Benediction / Blessing

V. Dismissal: Departing from Worship

W. Devotion: Private Worship

X. Service: Life of Worship

XV.  TERMINUS: The Glory of God

A. God is All-Glorious

B. All things exist to the glory of God

C. Nothing is greater or more important than God


A Theological Outline for Indexing Music for Worship
Taken from A Theological Index of Church Music
©1993, 2013 Ken Puls

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