Recommended Books and Sites

Classical Guitar and Bookshelf

Ken Puls Music


Theology Books

The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
     [A Guide to John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress]
     [The Pilgrim's Progress in modern English: audio and text]
The Godly Man's Picture (Thomas Watson)
The Valley of Vision (Arthur Bennet)
Desiring God (John Piper)
The Shadow of the Cross (Walt Chantry)

Here is the longer list for books on Theology

A List of 100 Recommended Titles for Those Building a Theological Library


Some Favorites

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
A Painted House (John Grisham)
Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
The End of Eternity (Isaac Asimov)
Any book by Jeff Shaara


Understanding Music

All You Have to Do Is Listen: Music from the Inside Out (Rob Kapilow)
What to Listen for in Music (Aaron Copland)
What Makes Music Work (Philip Seyer, Allan Novick, and Paul Harmon)



Music Theory and Guitar

Guitar Foundation of America
     GFAtv (Lessons for Beginning and Advanced Guitar)
Open Music Theory (Online Music Theory Text Book)

Church Music

CCLI Song Select
CityAlight Music
Desert Springs Church
Foto Sisters
Getty Music
Grace Music (Grace Immanuel Bible Church)
Hymn Works (Music Engraving for the Church)
Indelible Grace Music
Page CXVI Hymns
Red Mountain Music
Sovereign Grace Music
Stuart Townend
Worship Together


Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral
Founders Ministries
G3 Ministries
Grace Gems!

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