Songs and God's Creation
Natural Revelation
Theology and Song
A Theological Index of Music for Worship
I. PROLEGOMENA: The Revelation of God
Songs and God's Creation
1. Creation affirms that there is a Creator—God created heaven and earth
All Things Bright and Beautiful (Cecil F Alexander) to ROYAL OAK • TB636 TH120
Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne—Psalm 100 (Isaac Watts / John Wesley) to PARK STREET • TB62 TH65
God, the Lord, a King Remaineth—Psalm 93 (John Keble) to REGENT SQUARE • TB60 TH64
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Obediah Chisholm) to FAITHFULNESS • TB27 TH32 BH96 SW141
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah—Psalm 146 (The Psalter, 1912) to RIPLEY • TB53 TH57 FH7
Hast Thou Not Known, Hast Thou Not Heard (Isaac Watts) to DUNDEE • TB28
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts) to ELLACOMBE • TB106 TH116 BH48 SW10
Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody) • TH125 BH640
The Heavens Declare Thy Glory—Psalm 19 (Thomas R. Birks) to FAITHFUL (J.S. Bach) • TB104 TH113
The Spacious Firmament on High (Joseph Addison) to CREATION • TB103 TH117
This Is My Father’s World (Maltbie Babcock) to TERRA PATRIS • TB109 TH111 BH46 SW124
Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney) to MAJESTAS • TH24
With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed—Psalm 93 (Tate and Brady’s New Version) to MENDON • TB64 TH70 FH3
Wondrous King, All-Glorious (Joachim Neander / William Schaefer) to WUNDERBARR KÖNIG • TB132 TH166
2. Creation glorifies God—all things exist for His glory and praise
All Creatures of Our God and King (St. Francis of Assisi / William H Draper) to LASST UNS ERFREUEN • TH115 BH11 SW13
All Glory to You (Steve and Vikki Cook) • Sovereign Grace Music
All People That on Earth Do Dwell—Psalm 100 (William Kethe / Thomas Ken) to OLD 100TH • TB1 TH1 BH40 SW46
All that I Am I Owe to Thee—Psalm 134:14–24 (The Psalter, 1912) to FEDERAL STREET • TB34 TH37 FH24
Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne—Psalm 100 (Isaac Watts / John Wesley) to PARK STREET • TB62 TH65
Behold Our God (Ryan, Jonathan and Meghan Baird / Stephen Altrogge) • Sovereign Grace Music • SW15
Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim—Psalm 135 (The Psalter, 1912) to CREATION • TB12 TH12
For the Beauty of the Earth (Folliott Sandford Pierpoint) to DIX • TH116 SW65
From All That Dwell Below the Skies—Psalm 117 (Isaac Watts) to LASST UNS ERFREUEN • TB3 TH7 BH41 SW30
God, the Lord, a King Remaineth—Psalm 93 (John Keble) to REGENT SQUARE • TB60 TH64
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah—Psalm 146 (The Psalter, 1912) to RIPLEY • TB53 TH57 FH7
Holy, Holy, Holy (Reginald Heber) to NICAEA • TB87 TH100 BH68 SW27
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts) to ELLACOMBE • TB106 TH116 BH48 SW10
Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody) • TH125 BH640
Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Prudentius / J. Neale / H. Baker) to DIVINUM MYSTERIUM • TB122 TH162 SW39
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander / Catherine Winkworth) to LOBE DEN HERREN • TB50 TH53 BH1 SW35
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Jonann Schütz / Francis Cox) to MIT FREUDEN ZART • TB4 TH4 SW40
The Heavens Declare Thy Glory—Psalm 19 (Thomas R. Birks) to FAITHFUL (J.S. Bach) • TB104 TH113
The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord—Psalm 19 (Isaac Watts) to UXBRIDGE • TB263 TH138
The Spacious Firmament on High (Joseph Addison) to CREATION • TB103 TH117
This Is My Father’s World (Maltbie Babcock) to TERRA PATRIS • TB109 TH111 BH46 SW124
Twas God that Made the Ocean (George B. Bubier) to NETTLETON (Asahel Nettleton) • FH54
With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud—Psalm 147 (Isaac Watts) to ST MAGNUS • TB113 TH127
Wondrous King, All-Glorious (Joachim Neander / William Schaefer) to WUNDERBARR KÖNIG • TB132 TH166
3. Creation testifies of God’s wisdom and design
All that I Am I Owe to Thee—Psalm 134:14–24 (The Psalter, 1912) to FEDERAL STREET • TB34 TH37 FH24
Hast Thou Not Known, Hast Thou Not Heard (Isaac Watts) to DUNDEE • TB28
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander / Catherine Winkworth) to LOBE DEN HERREN • TB50 TH53 BH1 SW35
Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney) to MAJESTAS • TH24
4. The testimony of creation is insufficient for knowing the way of salvation.
The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord—Psalm 19 (Isaac Watts) to UXBRIDGE • TB263 TH138
Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney) to MAJESTAS • TH24
5. The testimony of creation leaves man inexcusable
6. God delights in creation—all things were made for His pleasure
All Glory to You (Steve and Vikki Cook) • Sovereign Grace Music
Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney) to MAJESTAS • TH24
7. God made all of creation and pronounced it good
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts) to ELLACOMBE • TB106 TH116 BH48 SW10
8. The world was spoken into existence by God’s Word
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts) to ELLACOMBE • TB106 TH116 BH48 SW10
Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Prudentius / J. Neale / H. Baker) to DIVINUM MYSTERIUM • TB122 TH162 SW39
Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney) to MAJESTAS • TH24
9. The world was created by God ex nihilio (out of nothing)
10. The world continues to be upheld and sustained by God
All Things Bright and Beautiful (Cecil F Alexander) to ROYAL OAK • TB636 TH120
Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim—Psalm 135 (The Psalter, 1912) to CREATION • TB12 TH12
Forever Settled in the Heavens—Psalm 119:89–97 (The Psalter, 1912) to DUKE STREET • TB54 TH59 BH638
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Obediah Chisholm) to FAITHFULNESS • TB27 TH32 BH96 SW141
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah—Psalm 146 (The Psalter, 1912) to RIPLEY • TB53 TH57 FH7
Hast Thou Not Known, Hast Thou Not Heard (Isaac Watts) to DUNDEE • TB28
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts) to ELLACOMBE • TB106 TH116 BH48 SW10
Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody) • TH125 BH640
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Jonann Schütz / Francis Cox) to MIT FREUDEN ZART • TB4 TH4 SW40
With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed—Psalm 93 (Tate and Brady’s New Version) to MENDON • TB64 TH70 FH3
With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud—Psalm 147 (Isaac Watts) to ST MAGNUS • TB113 TH127
11. God creates all people—He is the One who gives and sustains all life
All People That on Earth Do Dwell—Psalm 100 (William Kethe / Thomas Ken) to OLD 100TH • TB1 TH1 BH40 SW46
Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody) • TH125 BH640
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander / Catherine Winkworth) to LOBE DEN HERREN • TB50 TH53 BH1 SW35
12. God created man (male and female) out of the dust of the earth
Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne—Psalm 100 (Isaac Watts / John Wesley) to PARK STREET • TB62 TH65
13. Man was breathed into a living being by God.
14. God made man (male and female) in His own image
15. God gave man dominion over all other living things on the earth.
16. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.
Today We Gather in This Place (Ken Puls) to HULSE (Tom Wells) • Ken Puls Music
Click here to see a Song List (thus far) of the music included in the Index.
Hymnal Key for songs included in the Index