This is the first of what I hope to be many posts exploring the connection between music for worship and the study of theology. Below is a list of psalm settings, hymns, and spiritual songs that teach on the doctrine of creation: natural revelation. The songs are arranged under 16 theological statements, including 5 statements for which I have not yet found related songs.
If you have additional suggestions for songs related to the doctrine of creation that should be included in the index, please comment or send me a message.
Note: The songs are listed below by title and author. For more complete entries (including tunes and hymnal page numbers) see the page for “Songs and God’s Creation” in Theology and Song: A Theological Index of Music for Worship online. I will be updating the online Index with more songs and topics in the days ahead as I receive recommendations.
Songs and God’s Creation: Natural Revelation
1. Creation affirms that there is a Creator—God created heaven and earth
- All Things Bright and Beautiful (Cecil F Alexander)
- Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne—Psalm 100 (Isaac Watts / John Wesley)
- God, the Lord, a King Remaineth—Psalm 93 (John Keble)
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Obediah Chisholm)
- Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah—Psalm 146 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Hast Thou Not Known, Hast Thou Not Heard (Isaac Watts)
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts)
- Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody)
- The Spacious Firmament on High (Joseph Addison)
- This Is My Father’s World (Maltbie Babcock)
- Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney)
- With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed—Psalm 93 (Tate and Brady’s New Version)
- Wondrous King, All-Glorious (Joachim Neander / William Schaefer)
2. Creation glorifies God—all things exist for His glory and praise
- All Creatures of Our God and King (St. Francis of Assisi / William H Draper)
- All Glory to You (Steve and Vikki Cook) • Sovereign Grace Music
- All People That on Earth Do Dwell—Psalm 100 (William Kethe / Thomas Ken)
- All that I Am I Owe to Thee—Psalm 134:14–24 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne—Psalm 100 (Isaac Watts / John Wesley)
- Behold Our God (Ryan, Jonathan & Meghan Baird / Stephen Altrogge) • Sovereign Grace Music
- Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim—Psalm 135 (The Psalter, 1912)
- For the Beauty of the Earth (Folliott Sandford Pierpoint)
- From All That Dwell Below the Skies—Psalm 117 (Isaac Watts)
- God, the Lord, a King Remaineth—Psalm 93 (John Keble)
- Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah—Psalm 146 (The Psalter, 1912)
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts)
- Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody)
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Prudentius / J. Neale / H. Baker)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander / Catherine Winkworth)
- Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Jonann Schütz / Francis Cox)
- The Spacious Firmament on High (Joseph Addison)
- This Is My Father’s World (Maltbie Babcock)
- With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud—Psalm 147 (Isaac Watts)
- Wondrous King, All-Glorious (Joachim Neander / William Schaefer)
3. Creation testifies of God’s wisdom and design
- All that I Am I Owe to Thee—Psalm 134:14–24 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Hast Thou Not Known, Hast Thou Not Heard (Isaac Watts)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander / Catherine Winkworth)
- Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney)
4. The testimony of creation is insufficient for knowing the way of salvation.
- Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney)
5. The testimony of creation leaves man inexcusable
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6. God delights in creation—all things were made for His pleasure
- All Glory to You (Steve and Vikki Cook) • Sovereign Grace Music
- Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney)
7. God made all of creation and pronounced it good
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts)
8. The world was spoken into existence by God’s Word.
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts)
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten (Prudentius / J. Neale / H. Baker)
- Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney)
9. The world was created by God ex nihilio (out of nothing).
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10. The world continues to be upheld and sustained by God
- All Things Bright and Beautiful (Cecil F Alexander)
- Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim—Psalm 135 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Forever Settled in the Heavens—Psalm 119:89–97 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Obediah Chisholm)
- Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah—Psalm 146 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Hast Thou Not Known, Hast Thou Not Heard (Isaac Watts)
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Isaac Watts)
- Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody)
- Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Jonann Schütz / Francis Cox)
- With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed—Psalm 93 (Tate and Brady’s New Version)
- With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud—Psalm 147 (Isaac Watts)
11. God creates all people—He is the One who gives and sustains all life.
- All People That on Earth Do Dwell—Psalm 100 (William Kethe / Thomas Ken)
- Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis • Welsh melody)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Joachim Neander / Catherine Winkworth)
12. God created man (male and female) out of the dust of the earth
- Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne—Psalm 100 (Isaac Watts / John Wesley)
13. Man was breathed into a living being by God.
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14. God made man (male and female) in His own image
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15. God gave man dominion over all other living things on the earth.
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16. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.
- Today We Gather in This Place (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
The next post in the series will be “Songs and God’s Word: Special Revelation.”
For more complete entries (including tunes and hymnal page numbers) see the Theological Index of Music and Worship online: