Supper and Song

Loaves of Bread in a basket, a Lute and a cup on a table

Now supper was ready, the table spread, and all things set on the board. So they sat down, and did eat, when one had given thanks. And the Interpreter did usually entertain those that lodged with him with music at meals; so the minstrels played. There was also one that did sing; and a very fine voice he had.

His song was this:

“The Lord is only my support
And He that doth me feed:
How can I, then want anything
Where of I stand in need?”

Notes and Commentary

At last the pilgrims sit down to a table spread with a fine meal. They have been anticipating this feast since arriving at the Interpreter’s House. Before they can continue the long journey ahead, they need nourishment and strength. The meal they enjoy highlights several important biblical truths.

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2024 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

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