Mercy’s Testimony

Mercy at the Gate

Interpreter:  So he addressed himself to Mercy, and said unto her, “And what moved you to come here, sweetheart?”

Then Mercy blushed and trembled; and for awhile continued silent.

Interpreter: Then said he, “Be not afraid; only believe, and speak your mind.”

Mercy: So she began, and said, “Truly, sir, it is my want of experience that makes me covet to be in silence; and that also that fills me with fears of coming short at last. I cannot tell of visions and dreams, as my friend Christiana can; nor do I know what it is to mourn for my refusing of the counsel of those that were good relations.”

Interpreter: What was it, then, dear heart, that has prevailed with you to do as you have done?

Mercy: Why, when our friend here was packing up to be gone from our town, I and another went accidentally to see her; so we knocked at the door and went in. When we were within, and seeing what she was doing, we asked what was her meaning. She said she was sent for to go to her husband; and then she up and told us how she had seen him in a dream, dwelling in a curious place among immortals, wearing a crown, playing upon a harp, eating and drinking at his Prince’s table, and singing praises to Him for bringing Him there, etc. Now, it seemed to me, while she was telling these things unto us, that my heart burned within me. And I said in my heart, if this be true, I will leave my father and my mother, and the land of my nativity, and will, if I may, go along with Christiana.

So I asked her further of the truth of these things, and if she would let me go with her; for I saw now that there was no dwelling, but with the danger of ruin, any longer in our town. But yet I came away with a heavy heart; not for that I was unwilling to come away, but for that so many of my relations were left behind. And I am come with all the desire of my heart; and will go, if I may, with Christiana unto her husband and his King.

Interpreter: Your setting out is good; for you have given credit to the truth. You are a Ruth; who did, for the love that she bore to Naomi, and to the Lord her God, leave father and mother, and the land of her nativity, to come out, and go with a people that she knew not heretofore. “The Lord recompense your work; and a full reward be given you of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you are come to truth”.

Now supper was ended, and preparation was made for bed. The women were laid singly alone, and the boys by themselves. Now when Mercy was in bed, she could not sleep for joy, for that now her doubts of missing at last were removed farther from her than ever they were before; so she lay blessing and praising God, who had had such favor for her.

Notes and Commentary

After hearing Christiana’s testimony, the Interpreter asks Mercy to share her reasons for becoming a pilgrim. Mercy at first hesitates and is for awhile silent. Unlike Christiana, Mercy was quickly receptive to hearing truth. She does not carry the same measure of regrets and laments for past sins and rejection of the gospel. But she fears she lacks “experience” and “cannot tell of visions and dreams” like Christiana. Nor does she have the same boldness and assurance as Christiana. Her testimony is humble and unassuming. But it needs to be told. 

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2024 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

Christiana’s Testimony

Christiana's Change of Heart

When the song and music were ended, the Interpreter asked Christiana what it was that at first did move her to commit herself to a pilgrim’s life?

Christiana answered, “First the loss of my husband came into my mind, at which I was heartily grieved; but all that was but natural affection. Then, after that, came the troubles and pilgrimage of my husband into my mind; and also how like a churl I had carried it to him as to that. So guilt took hold of my mind, and would have drawn me into the pond; but that opportunely I had a dream of the wellbeing of my husband, and a letter sent me by the King of that country where my husband dwells, to come to him. The dream and the letter together so wrought upon my mind, that they forced me to this way.”

Interpreter: But met you with no opposition afore you set out of doors?

Christiana: Yes; a neighbor of mine, one Mrs. Timorous (she was akin to him that would have persuaded my husband to go back for fear of the lions). She all-to-befooled me for—as she called it—my intended desperate adventure. She also urged what she could to dishearten me to it, —the hardship and troubles that my husband met with in the way, but all this I got over pretty well. But a dream that I had, of two ill looking ones, that I thought did plot how to make me miscarry in my journey, that hath troubled me much; yea, it still runs in my mind, and makes me afraid of everyone that I meet, lest they should meet me to do me a mischief, and to turn me out of the way. Yea, I may tell my lord, though I would not have everybody know it, that between this and the gate by which we got into the way, we were both so sorely assaulted, that we were made to cry out “murder.” And the two that made this assault upon us were like the two that I saw in my dream.

Interpreter: Then said the Interpreter, “Your beginning is good; your latter end shall greatly increase.”

Notes and Commentary

After supper, the Interpreter asks Christiana two significant questions. First he asks what caused her to become a pilgrim. Why did she finally relent concerning her decision to remain in Destruction and embark on a journey to the Celestial City? Did she consider her circumstances and come to a reasonable conclusion? Was she compelled by shame to do the right thing? Was she overcome with sorrow and moved by passion? What was it that caused her to change?

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2024 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

How Dear and Treasured Is the Church

Pillars holding up a building

New Recording

Listen and download a recording of this song from Bandcamp:

How Dear and Treasured Is the Church

“If I delay, [I write so that] you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).

How dear and treasured is the church,
With voices joined in praise and prayers,
For God has made us one in Christ, 
To share our sorrows, joys and cares. 

Entrusted with the truth of God,
Called out to make the gospel known,
We boldly as His church proclaim:
There’s grace and hope in Christ alone!

God fashions us as living stones; 
Assembled as His dwelling place.
Though we were dead, He gives us life,
Each soul a miracle of grace.

Built as a buttress of the truth,
A pillar rising to the sky,
God sets His church before the world,
His Word and name to magnify.

To all the world we testify,
Our lives display in word and deed
The matchless worth of knowing Christ,
The boundless depth of our great need.

Brought near to God by Christ’s shed blood,
Loved and adopted as His own,
A household built upon the Word,
With Christ Himself the Cornerstone.

Built on this Rock, the church will stand,
The gates of hell shall not prevail,
All who are Christ’s shall be raised up,
The Word of God will never fail.

Words ©2017 Kenneth A Puls

Arranged to the tune: ERHALT UNS HERR

Download the lyrics and free sheet music for this hymn, including an arrangement of the tune ERHALT UNS HERR for classical guitar.

More Hymns and Songs by Ken Puls

Above image from Unsplash

Supper and Song

Loaves of Bread in a basket, a Lute and a cup on a table

Now supper was ready, the table spread, and all things set on the board. So they sat down, and did eat, when one had given thanks. And the Interpreter did usually entertain those that lodged with him with music at meals; so the minstrels played. There was also one that did sing; and a very fine voice he had.

His song was this:

“The Lord is only my support
And He that doth me feed:
How can I, then want anything
Where of I stand in need?”

Notes and Commentary

At last the pilgrims sit down to a table spread with a fine meal. They have been anticipating this feast since arriving at the Interpreter’s House. Before they can continue the long journey ahead, they need nourishment and strength. The meal they enjoy highlights several important biblical truths.

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2024 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

Proverbs before Supper

Bible opened to Proverbs and a cup of coffee

So when they were come again into the house and supper as yet was not ready, Christiana again desired that the Interpreter would either show or tell of some other things that are profitable.

Then the Interpreter began, and said, “The fatter the sow is, the more she desires the mire; the fatter the ox is, the more gamesomely he goes to the slaughter; and the more healthy the lusty man is, the more prone he is unto evil.

“There is a desire in women to go neat and fine; and it’s a comely thing to be adorned with that which in God’s sight is of great price.

“‘Tis easier watching a night or two, than to sit up a whole year together: so ’tis easier for one to begin to profess well, than to hold out as he should to the end.

“Every shipmaster, when in a storm, will willingly cast that overboard that is of the smallest value in the vessel. But who will throw the best out first? none but he that fears not God.

“One leak will sink a ship: and one sin will destroy a sinner.

“He that forgets his friend, is ungrateful unto him: but he that forgets his Savior, is unmerciful to himself.

“He that lives in sin, and looks for happiness hereafter, is like him that sows cockle, and thinks to fill his barn with wheat or barley.

“If a man would live well, let him fetch his last day to him, and make it always his company keeper.

“Whispering and change of thoughts, prove that sin is in the world.

“If the world, which God sets light by, is counted a thing of that worth with men; what is heaven, which God commends!

“If the life that is attended with so many troubles is so loath to be let go by us, what is the life above!

“Everybody will cry up the goodness of men; but who is there that is, as he should be, affected with the goodness of God?

“We seldom sit down to meat, but we eat and leave; so there is in Jesus Christ more merit and righteousness than the whole world has need of.”

Notes and Commentary

The House of the Interpreter represents the Word of God as it interpreted and made profitable for us by the Holy Spirit. As the pilgrims return to the house, Bunyan again emphasizes the value of God’s Word and the priority it should have in our lives. The pilgrims have arrived hungry and in need of nourishment to continue on their journey. Supper is being prepared, but before they sit down for a meal together, they desire first to feed their souls. Christiana demonstrates once again that her hunger is for the Word of God. Earlier she had asked of the Interpreter, “pray let us see some more.” Now she is eager to keep learning.

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2023 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

A Robin and a Spider

A Robin on a Fence

Then, as they were coming in from abroad, they espied a little robin with a great spider in his mouth. So the Interpreter said, “Look here.” So they looked; and Mercy wondered. But Christiana said, “What a disparagement is it to such a pretty little bird as the robin redbreast is; he being also a bird above many, that loves to maintain a kind of sociableness with man! I had thought they had lived upon crumbs of bread, or upon other such harmless matter. I like him worse than I did.”

The Interpreter then replied, “This robin is an emblem very apt to set forth some professors by; for to sight they are as this robin, pretty of note, color, and carriage; they seem also to have a very great love for professors that are sincere; and above all other, to desire to sociate with and to be in their company, as if they could live upon the good man’s crumbs. They pretend also, that therefore it is that they frequent the house of the godly, and the appointments of the Lord; but when they are by themselves as the robin, they can catch and gobble up spiders, they can change their diet, drink iniquity, and swallow down sin like water.”

Notes and Commentary

Before returning to the house for supper, the Interpreter draws another spiritual lesson from nature. The pilgrims see “a little robin with a great spider in his mouth.” They are familiar with robins. Its recognizable color is a welcome sight and its cheerful song is a delight to hear. Robins are beloved and associated with happiness and glad tidings. The sighting of a robin is often believed to be a sign of the passing of winter and the arrival of spring. Robins are friendly, willing to be around people and feed on bread crumbs. 

Yet here the pilgrims see the robin’s true nature. While it can easily feed on berries and bread crumbs, its diet is more instinctively insects, worms, spiders, and even small snakes. Christiana is taken aback to see such a beautiful, sociable bird feasting on such a meal!

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2023 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

A Hen and Her Chicks

A Hen and Her Chicks

He had them then into another room where was a hen and chickens, and bid them to observe awhile. So one of the chickens went to the trough to drink; and every time she drank, she lifted up her head and her eyes towards heaven. “See,” said he, “what this little chick doth; and learn of her to acknowledge whence your mercies come, by receiving them with looking up. Yet again, said he, “observe and look.” So they gave heed, and perceived that the hen did walk in a fourfold method towards her chickens. 

1. She had a common call; and that she has all day long.

2. She had a special call; and that she had but sometimes.

3. She had a brooding note.

And, 4. She had an outcry. 

Interpreter: “Now,” said he, “compare this hen to your King, and these chickens to his obedient ones. For answerable to her, himself has his methods, which he walks in towards his people. By his common call, he gives nothing; by his special call, he always has something to give; he has also a brooding voice for them that are under his wing; and he has an outcry, to give the alarm when he sees the enemy come. I choose, my darlings, to lead you into the room where such things are, because you are women, and they are easy for you.”

Christiana: “And, sir,” said Christiana, “pray let us see some more.”

Notes and Commentary

Now the Interpreter shows the pilgrims a room in which they see a hen and her chicks. They watch awhile and observe how the hen calls and cares for her brood. Unlike the previous room, where the meaning of the lesson was not immediately apparent, this room offers a lesson that is “easy” for the pilgrims to understand. Christiana is a mother with children of her own. Mercy has joined the family to help them on the journey. They readily understand the need for watchfulness, nurture, and care.

The room with the hen and her chicks teaches us how God sends forth His mercies as well as how we are to receive His mercies. God’s mercies come to us through His Word—His written Word (the Scriptures) and the incarnate Word (the Lord Jesus, to whom the written Word points as the only Way of salvation).

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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress is public domain.
Image above created from Unsplash

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2023 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

Greeted by Innocent

Innocent from the House of the Interpreter

Thus now, when they had talked away a little more time, they drew nigh to a house which stood in the way, which house was built for the relief of pilgrims; as you will find more fully related in the first part of these records of the “Pilgrim’s Progress.” So they drew on towards the house (the house of the Interpreter); and when they came to the door, they heard a great talk in the house. They then gave ear, and heard, as they thought, Christiana mentioned by name; for you must know that there went along, even before her, a talk of her and her children’s going on pilgrimage. And this thing was the more pleasing to them, because they had heard that she was Christian’s wife—that woman who was some time ago so unwilling to hear of going on pilgrimage. Thus, therefore, they stood still; and heard the good people within commending her who, they little thought, stood at the door. At last Christiana knocked, as she had done at the gate before. Now when she had knocked, there came to the door a young damsel named Innocent, and opened the door, and looked, and behold two women were there.

Damsel: Then said the damsel to them, “With whom would you speak in this place?”

Christiana: Christiana answered, “We understand that this is a privileged place for those that are become pilgrims, and we now at this door are such; wherefore, we pray that we may be partakers of that for which we at this time are come. For the day, as you see, is very far spent, and we are loath tonight to go any farther.”

Damsel: Pray what may I call your name, that I may tell it to my Lord within?

Christiana: My name is Christiana. I was the wife of that pilgrim that some years ago did travel this way; and these be his four children. This maiden also is my companion, and is going on pilgrimage too.

Innocent: Then ran Innocent in (for that was her name), and said to those within, “Can you think who is at the door? There is Christiana and her children, and her companion, all waiting for entertaining here.”

Then they leaped for joy, and went and told their master. So he came to the door, and looking upon her, he said, “Are you that Christiana whom Christian, the good man, left behind him when he betook himself to a pilgrim’s life?”

Christiana: I am that woman that was so hard hearted as to slight my husband’s troubles, and that left him to go on in his journey alone, and these are his four children; but now I also am come, for I am convinced that no way is right but this.

Interpreter: Then is fulfilled that which also is written of the man that said to his son, “Go, work today in my vineyard.” And he said to his father, “I will not,” but afterwards repented and went.

Christiana: Then said Christiana, “So be it. Amen. God make it a true saying upon me; and grant that I may be found at the last of him in peace without spot and blameless.”

Interpreter: “But why do you stand thus at the door? Come in, you daughter of Abraham. We were talking about you just now, for tidings have come to us before how you have become a pilgrim. Come, children, come in; come, maiden, come in.” So he had them all into the house.

So when they were within, they were bidden to sit down and rest; the which when they had done, those that attended upon the pilgrims in the house came into the room to see them. And one smiled, and another smiled, and they all smiled for joy that Christiana had become a pilgrim. They also looked upon the boys; they stroked them over the faces with the hand, in token of their kind reception of them; they also carried it lovingly to Mercy, and bade them all welcome into their master’s house.

Notes and Commentary

The pilgrims now arrive at “a house which stood in the way, which house was built for the relief of pilgrims.” The House of the Interpreter is a familiar place in The Pilgrim’s Progress. Christian spent much time here in Part 1, learning lessons and seeing “excellent things.” 

The House of the Interpreter is a splendid representation of God’s Word. Each room and object in the house points to profitable truths from the Bible. The Interpreter, who welcomes the pilgrims to “come in,” is the Holy Spirit, who illumines Scripture and helps us rightly understand and apply its truths. 

Continue reading Notes and Commentary

The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress and images used are public domain.

Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2023 Ken Puls

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from 
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc

Return to A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

The Joys of Corporate Worship Part 3

Hymnal and Bible

Open your Bibles this evening to Psalm 43. Tonight, we return to our study of Psalm 42 and 43. These two psalms are two halves of a single psalm. Together they form a lament with 3 stanzas and 3 refrains. 

In this psalm, the psalmist expresses sorrow. He is afflicted and oppressed. He is separated from the people of God. And he is providentially hindered from being in Jerusalem at a time when the nation is gathering to worship God. His heart longs to “go with the throng” and join with the “multitude observing the pilgrim festival.”

In this study we are specifically interested in what we can learn about worship. What are the joys that come from corporate worship? What are the blessings that the psalmist longs for and desires to experience again?

In the first stanza in Psalm 42:1-4 and its refrain in verse 5, we looked at the first joy of corporate worship: The Joy of Seeking God and Delighting in Him Together.

The Psalmist longed to be in God’s presence in the midst of God’s people. His chief joy in worship was seeking God and delighting in God with the people of God.

When God brought Israel out of bondage and established them as a people, He promised to be their God, to be near them, to tabernacle among them. This great truth—God dwells with His people—fills the Old Testament and finds its fulfillment in the coming of Christ, the Messiah, who is Immanuel, “God with us.”

The presence of God with His people was the psalmist’s greatest joy in worship.

In the second stanza in Psalm 42 (verses 6-10) and the second refrain in verse 11, we discover his second joy—The Joy of Finding Strength and Encouragement in Times of Suffering.

The psalmist remembered the times and places where God had brought deliverance to His people. He was encouraged and drew strength when he saw and heard about God working in the lives of His people. 

He also longed to return to worship so he himself could testify of God’s goodness in delivering him from his trial. He desired that his own suffering be turned to praise and thanksgiving. He looked forward to the time when he could bring a peace offering of thanksgiving and testify to the gathered congregation that God had heard and answered his prayer. All the people of God would rejoice and give thanks when they saw him—his joy and thanksgiving to God would be multiplied many times over in the context of corporate worship! His experience would bring encouragement and strength to others who were facing difficulty. 

This evening we are going to consider the third joy of corporate worship. It is found in the third stanza (Psalm 43:1–4) and the final refrain (43:5): The Joy of Walking Together in Light and Truth.

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O Spirit Now We Thank You

Open Bible

O Spirit, now we thank You
For giving us Your Word.
Please bless its proclamation,
The truths that we have heard.
Indwell us and empow’r us,
And cause us to obey;
Shine now the light of Scripture
On all we do and say.

Great Artist of the Scriptures,
In beauty You have made
God’s Word to shine in glory
That cannot fail or fade.
In poetry and proverbs,
Through narrative and line;
In prophecy and hist’ry,
God’s truth in splendor shines.

You, down through many ages
Inspired men to write,
Progressively revealing,
You brought God’s truth to light.
O Spirit, come illumine
This truth for us today;
And guide us in sound doctrine,
The straight and narrow way.

Wield now Your Sword, O Spirit,
The quick and living Word,
And rend our hearts asunder
With truths that we have heard.
O search us now and know us,
Expose iniquity;
Conform us to our Savior,
And holy we shall be.

Words and Music ©1998 Kenneth Puls
In Hymns of Grace (1998) by Ken Puls
And Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (2004) Founders Press, Cape Coral, FL

This hymn is a prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit, who inspired and crafted the Word of God. It is written to serve as a closing hymn following the preaching of the Word. In the hymn we respond to the preaching by asking the Spirit to “bless its proclamation” and apply it in an effective way to our lives. The final verse is based on Hebrew 4:12. Scripture is the sword of the Spirit, who skillfully and lovingly lays bare our hearts with truth.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

The idea for the hymn came in October 1995 during a Sunday School class taught by Steve Garrick at Heritage Baptist Church. Steve was teaching a series of lessons on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. During the lesson on October 22nd, he compared the Spirit’s work in bringing us God’s Word to that of an artist. When God revealed His Word to us, he did not package it as a “systematic theology.” He chose and inspired men to write from their own experiences in poetry, proverb, narrative, history, and prophesy. The Bible is a great work of art crafted by the Spirit “through many ages” as God-breathed revelation. I thought during the class that the comparison would work well for lyrics to a hymn. I finally wrote the hymn several months later. I finished the lyrics on July 8, 1996 while driving to Dallas Baptist University, where I was teaching Classical Guitar during the summer semester. The hymn tune is named for Pastor Steve Garrick.

Download the lyrics and free sheet music for this hymn, including an arrangement of the tune GARRICK for classical guitar.

More Hymns and Songs by Ken Puls