This is the second post from my Theological Index of Music for Worship.
Below is a list of psalm settings, hymns, and spiritual songs that teach on the doctrine of Scripture: Special Revelation. The songs are arranged under 17 theological statements, including one for which I have not yet found related songs
If you have additional suggestions for songs related to the doctrine of Scripture that should be included in the index, please comment or send me a message.
Note: The songs are listed below by title and author. For more complete entries (including tunes and hymnal page numbers) see the page for Songs and God’s Word in the Theological Index of Music for Worship online. I will be updating the online Index with more songs and topics in the days ahead as I receive recommendations.
If you missed the first post, you can read it here: Songs and God’s Creation.
Songs and God’s Word: Special Revelation
1. God’s Word is divine revelation, given by inspiration of God—it is God breathed
- Father of Mercies in Thy Word (Anne Steele)
- Forever Settled in the Heavens—Psalm 119:89–97 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Holy Bible, Book Divine (John Burton)
- How Precious Is the Book Divine (John Fawcett)
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring—Psalm 138 (The Psalter, 1912)
2. God’s Word is our final rule of faith and life—it is our final authority
- How Firm a Foundation (Rippon’s Selection of Hymns)
- Speak, O Lord (Stuart Townend / Keith Getty)
3. God’s Word is infallible—it is incapable of error or failing
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- Standing on the Promises (R. Kelso Carter)
4. God’s Word is inerrant—it is without error or failing
- Ancient Words (Lynn DeShazo)
- Most Perfect Is the Law of God—Psalm 19:7–11 and 119:97 (The Psalter 1912)
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) Ken Puls Music
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- Speak, O Lord (Stuart Townend / Keith Getty)
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
5. God’s Word is complete—nothing is ever to be added to Scripture
- How Firm a Foundation (Rippon’s Selection of Hymns)
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- Sufficient Is the Word of God (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
6. God’s Word is all-sufficient—it teaches all that is necessary for salvation and life eternal
- God in the Gospel of His Son (Benjamin Beddome / Thomas Cotterill)
- Sufficient Is the Word of God (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring—Psalm 138 (The Psalter, 1912)
7. God’s Word is efficacious—it accomplished God’s purposes and does not return void
- Forever Settled in the Heavens—Psalm 119:89–97 (The Psalter, 1912)
- Lord, We Come to Hear Your Word (Ken Puls / Drew Hodge) • Ken Puls Music / Desert Springs
- Speak, O Lord (Stuart Townend / Keith Getty)
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
8. God’s Word is perspicuous—it is sufficiently clear upon essential matters of faith and practice
- Most Perfect Is the Law of God—Psalm 19:7–11 and 119:97 (The Psalter 1912)
- Sufficient Is the Word of God (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Vast the Riches of God’s Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
9. God’s Word must be illumined by the Spirit of God if we are to rightly understand and apply it
- Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (Tobias Clausnitzer / Catherine Winkworth)
- Break Thou the Bread of Life (Mary Lathbury)
- Father of Mercies in Thy Word (Anne Steele)
- Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak (Francis Havergal)
- Lord, We Come to Hear Your Word (Ken Puls / Drew Hodge) • Ken Puls Music / Desert Springs
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Teach Me O Lord Thy Way of Truth—Psalm 119:33–40 (The Psalter 1912)
- The Spirit Breathes upon the Word (William Cowper)
- Vast the Riches of God’s Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
10. God’s Word is its own best interpreter—the infallible rule for interpreting Scripture is Scripture itself
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11. God’s Word is profitable for doctrine, corrections, reproof, and instruction in righteousness
- Father of Mercies in Thy Word (Anne Steele)
- Holy Bible, Book Divine (John Burton)
- How Precious Is the Book Divine (John Fawcett)
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Teach Me O Lord Thy Way of Truth—Psalm 119:33–40 (The Psalter 1912)
- Twas God that Made the Ocean (George B. Bubier)
- Two Voices Cry Out to Be Heard (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Wonderful Words of Life (Sing Them Over Again to Me) (Philip Bliss)
12. God’s Word is Christ-centered—Scripture (the written Word) points us to Christ (the incarnate Word)
- Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (Tobias Clausnitzer / Catherine Winkworth)
- Break Thou the Bread of Life (Mary Lathbury)
- Father of Mercies in Thy Word (Anne Steele)
- Holy Bible, Book Divine (John Burton)
- Lord, We Come to Hear Your Word (Ken Puls / Drew Hodge) • Ken Puls Music / Desert Springs
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- Standing on the Promises (R. Kelso Carter)
- Twas God that Made the Ocean (George B. Bubier)
- Two Voices Cry Out to Be Heard (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty (Edmund Clowney)
- Vast the Riches of God’s Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Wonderful Words of Life (Sing Them Over Again to Me) (Philip Bliss)
- Word of God, Across the Ages (Ferdinand Blanchard)
13. God’s Word is life-giving and powerful, able to defeat the powers of darkness.
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Martin Luther / Frederick Hedge)
- Ancient Words (Lynn DeShazo)
- Speak, O Lord (Stuart Townend / Keith Getty)
- The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord—Psalm 19(Isaac Watts)
- The Spirit Breathes upon the Word (William Cowper)
- Twas God that Made the Ocean (George B. Bubier)
- Two Voices Cry Out to Be Heard (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Wonderful Words of Life (Sing Them Over Again to Me) (Philip Bliss)
- Word of God, Across the Ages (Ferdinand Blanchard)
14. God’s Word is a message for all peoples to be proclaimed in every tongue.
- Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak (Francis Havergal)
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord—Psalm 19(Isaac Watts)
- The Spirit Breathes upon the Word (William Cowper)
- Wonderful Words of Life (Sing Them Over Again to Me) (Philip Bliss)
- Word of God, Across the Ages (Ferdinand Blanchard)
15. God’s Word is the Sword of the Spirit, arming us for spiritual battle.
- Lord, We Come to Hear Your Word (Ken Puls / Drew Hodge) • Ken Puls Music / Desert Springs
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Standing on the Promises (R. Kelso Carter)
- We Have an All-Sufficient Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Your Word Is Like a Garden Lord (Edwin Hodder)
16. God’s Word is our light and guide for how we are live and walk in this world.
- Ancient Words (Lynn DeShazo)
- Every Promise (Keith Getty / Stuart Townend)
- God in the Gospel of His Son (Benjamin Beddome / Thomas Cotterill)
- Holy Bible, Book Divine (John Burton)
- How Precious Is the Book Divine (John Fawcett)
- How Shall the Young Direct Their Ways? —Psalm 119:9–16 (The Psalter 1912)
- O Spirit, Now We Thank You (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- O Word of God Incarnate (William Walsham How)
- Sufficient Is the Word of God (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord—Psalm 19(Isaac Watts)
- The Spirit Breathes upon the Word (William Cowper)
- Two Voices Cry Out to Be Heard (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Vast the Riches of God’s Word (Ken Puls) • Ken Puls Music
- Word of God, Across the Ages (Ferdinand Blanchard)
- Your Word Is Like a Garden Lord (Edwin Hodder)
17. God’s Word stands forever—it is eternal.
- Every Promise (Keith Getty / Stuart Townend)
- Father of Mercies in Thy Word (Anne Steele)
- Forever Settled in the Heavens—Psalm 119:89–97 (The Psalter, 1912)
- God in the Gospel of His Son (Benjamin Beddome / Thomas Cotterill)
- Speak, O Lord (Stuart Townend / Keith Getty)
- Word of God, Across the Ages (Ferdinand Blanchard)
The next post in the series will be Songs and The Trinity—One God in Three Persons.
For more complete entries (including tunes and hymnal page numbers) see the Theological Index of Music and Worship online:
Thank you seems inadequate! Your work is a blessing to me.
Thank you, David. I’m grateful for your encouragement!