Then Christiana began to talk of their journey, and to inquire after the way. So he fed them, and washed their feet; and set them in the way of his steps, according as he had dealt with her husband before.
So I saw in my dream that they walked on in their way, and had the weather very comfortable to them.
Then Christiana began to sing, saying:
“Blest be the day that I began
A pilgrim for to be;
And blessed also be that man
That thereto moved me.
‘Tis true, ‘twas long ere I began
To seek to live forever:
But now I run fast as I can;
‘Tis better late, than never.
Our tears to joy, our fears to faith,
Are turned, as we see:
Thus our beginning (as one saith)
Shows what our end will be.”
Notes and Commentary
As Christiana sets out again with her children and Mercy on their journey to the Celestial City, Christiana’s heart is full of joy. At the Gate, they have been well fed, refreshed, and shown the right path to take. Now they walk in favorable weather.
Christiana expresses her joy with singing. Music is a fitting way to declare our delight in God and make known His manifest kindnesses.
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The text for The Pilgrim’s Progress and images used are public domain.
Notes and Commentary for Part II ©2014, 2022 Ken Puls
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from
the New King James Version (NKJV) ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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