New Recording
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“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
O Spirit Now We Thank You
A prayer of thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit, who inspired and crafted God’s Word, asking that He “bless its proclamation” and help us rightly understand and apply its truths to our lives.
O Spirit, now we thank You
For giving us Your Word.
Please bless its proclamation,
The truths that we have heard.
Indwell us and empow’r us,
And cause us to obey;
Shine now the light of Scripture
On all we do and say.
Great Artist of the Scriptures,
In beauty You have made
God’s Word to shine in glory
That cannot fail or fade.
In poetry and proverbs,
Through narrative and line;
In prophecy and hist’ry,
God’s truth in splendor shines.
You, down through many ages,
Inspired men to write,
Progressively revealing,
You brought God’s truth to light.
O Spirit, come illumine
This truth for us today;
And guide us in sound doctrine,
The straight and narrow way.
Wield now Your Sword, O Spirit,
The quick and living Word,
And rend our hearts asunder
With truths that we have heard.
O search us now and know us,
Expose iniquity;
Conform us to our Savior,
And holy we shall be.
Words and Music by Ken Puls
Set to the Tune: GARRICK
Words and Music ©1998 Kenneth A Puls
Download the lyrics and free sheet music for this hymn, including an arrangement of the tune GARRICK for classical guitar.
More Hymns and Songs by Ken Puls
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