Today (July 30, 2021) marks the ten year anniversary of kenpulsmusic.com. In 2011 I launched a website with a small collection of sheet music featuring hymns and songs that I had written. Today the site features over 2000 resources including:
- Some of the student pieces and exercises (PDF sheet music) I use to teach guitar at Florida Southwestern State College (FSW): Student Resources and Music for Classical Guitar
- More Music for Classical Guitar, including many of my transcriptions of Christmas music, wedding music, music by Bach, music for flute and guitar, and over 100 hymn tunes
- A Music Store on Bandcamp featuring some of my hymns and songs and an album of hymn tune transcriptions entitled Cherished Hymns for Guitar
- Notes and Commentary on Part 1 and Part 2 of John Bunyan’s classic allegory: A Guide to John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress
- A series on “discovering the old and cherished hymns of the faith: Hymns from History.
Take time to visit the site, explore, and share.