I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
(Psalm 34:1–3)
The first three verses of Psalm 34 are an invitation—a call to worship. In verse one David expresses his own commitment to praise God.
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
(Psalms 34:1)
God is worthy of all praise—worthy of unending praise. David desires that God’s praise be continually on his lips—at all times, whether it be in enemy territory or in the courts of God’s temple with His people.
In verse two David calls upon the humble to hear him and rejoice with him as he lifts his praise.
My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
let the humble hear and be glad.
(Psalm 34:2)
His words are good news to the humble. For those whom God has brought low, for those who see themselves in peril and needy of a way of escape, David knows where to point them for hope and strength.
In verse three he invites those who hear him to join his praise, that God would be magnified.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
(Psalm 34:3)
This psalm, like many in the book of Psalms, begins as personal praise and then spreads as it is shared and joined by others. What was individual devotion is now sung by many as corporate worship. David is not content to praise God by himself for his deliverance—he wants the people of God to join him. He wants the Lord to be magnified.
As we help and encourage others to look to God and acknowledge God and praise Him; as we share what God has done for us to encourage the hearts of others to look to Him and trust in Him, He is magnified—not in the sense that we add to God or make Him appear large or great (as a microscope would take a small thing and make it look large), but rather we take who God is and what He has done and bring it close to others, so they can see it and know it and rejoice in it (as a telescope would take a large and magnificent object and bring it into focus so all can enjoy and marvel in viewing it up close).
David wants to take the deliverance he has experienced by the grace and mercy of God, and bring it close to the people of God so that they can see it and rejoice with him in an overflow of praise and thanksgiving.
Read more from this sermon on Psalm 34 entitled “Taste and See!”
“are an invitation” (a suggested edit)
Good post.
Audrey Fitzgerald
Thanks, Audrey!